Launched last May at the Goldoni Theater in Florence, the program is designed for vocational guidance purposes and will engage young people between the age of 16 and 19 in the Mediterranean area
Jerusalem, Sept. 8, 2023 – The ABF GlobaLab Mediterraneo, the educational project by the Andrea Bocelli Foundation – Ente Filantropico aimed at boys and girls aged 16 to 19, has just arrived in Jerusalem. After the first stage, which coincided last May 30 with the “ABF WannaBe” event at the Goldoni Theater in Florence, the initiative began its journey to Mediterranean cities starting in Jerusalem, a crossroads of cultures and religions.
In the first part of the day, which took place in the Dar Al Consul complex in Jerusalem that the Foundation has taken ownership of in order to carry out its projects in partnership with the Custody of the Holy Land, a workshop was held for 40 boys and girls ABF GLOBALAB Mediterraneo: the educational project of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation local between the ages of 16 and 19 arrives in Jerusalem. The participants worked on self-awareness through performing arts seeking to establish deep contact with themselves and their surroundings with goal of triggering trusting relationships. The workshop was designed and conducted in collaboration with the MALTE Association with the attendance of ABF Advocate Giovanni Caccamo and is based on the educational objectives of the ABF GlobaLab Mediterraneo Program.
In the evening, the initiative continued in the auditorium of the Notre Dame Center, where the activities in which the workshop participants participated and the potential of this experience for their future were presented to a wider audience of young people. Also on this occasion, a larger number of international and local artists brought their testimonies, their reflections on personal and social change, on dreams and goals. They will perform with selected works with the purpose of sending a message to the young people, telling them that the dream of becoming someone/something (WannaBe!) shouldn’t be separate from becoming who we are (Become what you are!).
“With ABF GlobaLab Mediterraneo, the Foundation marks another milestone in the implementation of its growth towards global projects, choosing to replicate a key program in youth training aimed at developing the soft skills of the citizens of today and tomorrow”.
– Stefano Aversa, ABF President
In addition to the local youth, the event was attended by twenty young people who have completed the ABF GlobaLab Italy pathway, which includes a trip to the Holy Land itself as a final moment of evaluation of the extra-curricular skills acquired.
“In Jerusalem, the project will then continue locally with a series of educational meetings aimed at providing young people with the space and tools to rediscover their own resources and learn how to use them to fully realize their potential, aspirations and dreams. It is a path that aims to promote the well-being of young people by supporting them in building their own life project”
– Laura Biancalani, ABF Director
ABF GlobaLab Mediterraneo will continue its journey with the participation of 10 other Mediterranean cities where it will stop over the next two years. To learn more